The Canadian Pony Club offers levels which members may test for in order to complete. The levels range from the lowest, D, through to the highest, A. Testing is optional but recommended for all members as it allows riders to have something to work for as well as a sense of achievement. Competitions in Pony Club are divided by testing level, so those who want to compete in Pony Club events should test in order to achieve the appropriate competition level.
Above: Pony Clubbers at Testing during July 2012
There are two parts of each level: the riding portion and the stable management portion (based on knowledge and horse care skills). Members can test for their full level (both parts) or for part. Once they reach the C level, members can then choose to stream even further, and test only the dressage or show jumping portions of the riding. This allows riders with skill in one area to continue to progress, and is especially useful for members who have a lot of knowledge and skill in the stable management area, but are less skilled in the riding portion.
In order to complete a test, you must first write a pre-test, to prove that you have adequate knowledge to complete the test. More information about testing levels can be gained from the Canadian Pony Club website, or by contacting our Testing Rep, Helen Watson, at